Does this sound familiar?
➜ “I’ve tried a thousand weight loss programs and I always just gain the weight back.”
➜ “I’m pretty good at eating clean...until the weekend when I go a lil cray.”
➜ “I eat healthy, workout and drink water, but the scale won’t budge.”
➜ “I’m so sick of feeling this way…”
➜ “If sober me is a health goddess, drunk me is the hungry troll under the bridge.”

Have you said one
(or all) of these things
in the last week,
month or year?
Okay, maybe not the last one EXACTLY, but something like it?
You’re not alone.
Countless women—including myself—have felt this way. And, sorry to burst your bubble (though it’s a cute one—really), all of these external circumstances aren’t going to magically go away. If you really want to transform your life—it’s you who needs to change.
(Yikes...did she just say that?) Yes, I did. And I’ll say it again.
If you want to change your life—your habits, your body, your mood, your energy—then you’re the one that needs to change.
But, lucky for you...there’s me. A fitness fairy godmother, if you will. The coach[ess] with the mostest. The changemaking cheerleader. Or, as my friends call me—Mama Kate. I have been where you are. I have looked for a program to transform my life. And now, after finally figuring it out, finally changing my life—I’m here to help you do the same.

How does LRD work?
LRD works because it’s unlike any other program you’ve tried before. It’s not a restrictive diet. It’s not some fad craze. LRD works because it takes a holistic approach to your mental, physical and spiritual healing to create habits—and ultimately lifestyle changes—that stick.
Want results
like these?!
LRD’s Foundational Pillars
There are three main components to LRD academy that make it so successful. In one way or another, every single thing we do will come back to one of these three pillars.

Productive Routines
We’re learning how to purposefully structure daily morning, afternoon and evening routines that prioritize self-care and productivity. We’re ditching distractions and finding structure that’ll help you find and maintain the healthiest and happiest version of yourself.

Nutrition + Fitness
Through a plant-based approach, we’re going to rev up your health and wellness with delicious recipes, meal plans and grocery lists. This eating style can help you lose weight, lower stress, reduce cholesterol and double your energy. Food will become a source of nourishment and pleasure—something most diets try to avoid. No more feeling depleted or tired, and no more snacking on four carrots and calling it a meal (I’ll call you Hunny Bunnies but not for that reason).

Sustainable Habits
Similar to routines, your habits have a huge impact on the way you approach life and wellness. We’re going to use scientifically-proven behavior-changing techniques to make your new lifestyle one that’s easy to implement—even in changing situations—and sustainable. We’re going to build in habits of meditation and mindfulness to arm you with the tools you’ll need when you get off track so you don’t stay stuck for long.
Hi I'm Kate!
Allow me to formally introduce myself—beyond that fairy godmother stuff. My name is Kate and I developed LRD Academy to help others take back control of their lives, their fitness and their overall wellness—for good.
It took me 12 years to find a system that creates both mental and physical freedom through proper nutrition, time management, exercise and self-care—and now I want to pass this knowledge on to you.
I had to walk through this journey alone, and while I’m thankful for the ways in which I grew, it was hard. I had to try and fail over and over again.
I dug through (and experimented with) all the crazes, fads and misinformation and finally found truth. And now, I’m going to save you a lot of stress, tears and empty oreo sleeves (oops, did I do that?!) by walking alongside you and providing the foundation you need to restore your mind, body and soul.

LRD’s Five-Step Approach

Lifestyle Audit
We begin LRD Academy by assessing your current mindset, routine, activity and diet—together through a comprehensive lifestyle audit. This is where we set the foundation for your goals, learn what foods to keep in your kitchen (and those to throw out) and begin your progress tracking.

Diet Detox
Next, you’ll learn how to nourish your body and eat food as a source of fuel. In this step, you’ll learn exactly what’s in your food, how to interpret food labels and how to make the best food choices for yourself (even while eating out or on the road.) Plus, learn how to structure your meals and balance your nutrient intake. Most importantly, you’ll learn and begin implementing mindful eating practices to help with things like weight management, mindless snacking and digestion.

Fitness Tune-Up
In this step, we’re going to create a tailored fitness routine you’ll love in order to maximize your fat loss and build lean muscle mass. Not to mention the positive effects fitness has on your mood and energy levels.
LRD Academy teaches you how to prioritize daily movement into your everyday routine—even if it’s a busy one. Custom guides and worksheets help you establish physique goals, choose your favorite exercises and balance your movement throughout the week to optimize performance and recovery.

Routine Revival
In this step, we’re establishing daily routines to hold you accountable toward your goals and maintain them for life.
We’re learning to declutter your mental and physical environment by restructuring your everyday tasks and affairs. To do this, I’ll guide you through several exercises (including morning meditation and journaling), that will teach you how to create the perfect daily routine, set healthy boundaries and protect your energy so you can stop self-sabotaging your weight loss progress.

Master the Mindset
Now that you have your routine, nutrition and movement in play, you’ll finally learn how to identify limiting beliefs and resolve them with specific scripting techniques to ditch your old habits for good (boi byeeee). We’ll crack the code behind your unwanted thoughts and eating behaviors, and learn coping strategies to ensure the lifestyle changes you make take root.

What's included when you join LRD Academy?
Oh, honey—get your largest reusable grocery bags out because this course is STOCKED.

12 weeks of self-guided lessons and modules

Empowering, fully customizable plant-based meal plans

Easy-to-follow recipes and grocery shopping lists

Our 5-Step System to create a well-balanced and renewed lifestyle

Tailored fitness routines you’ll actually want to stick to

Worksheets and guides to remove the stress around what you should be eating

Scientifically proven, habit-forming and behavior-changing techniques to sustain your healthy habits

Mindfulness and self-reflection exercises, templates and videos to keep you motivated for long-term results

LIFETIME access to the LRD Accountability Group Facebook for community, courses and accountability from likeminded ladies.
PLUS! Don't miss out on BONUSES!

30 days of devotional guidance to build mental and spiritual fortitude.

Top resources for a healthier mind, body and soul. From recipes to routines, pancakes to push-ups, vitamins to vegan staples—the gang’s all here.

Fully loaded plant-based nutrition kit (yes, with recipes) to kickstart your "diet detox" and become a meal-planning warrior, even with a busy schedule.
So does it actually work?
Absolutely...if you want it to. As the cliche goes, you get out what you put in. If you’re willing to do the work and show up for yourself every day—you will see results.

Hear it from them!
Hundreds of other women have transformed their lives through LRD Academy and—just like me when I get going on a live video—they can’t stop talking about it.

“I never thought I'd say this, but the weight loss is just a bonus of LRD.
This course takes everything you have been wondering/assuming about weight loss and lays it out for you. It's so much more than what I eat and how I workout...it's all about TAKING CARE OF MYSELF. Who would have thought?! ;)"

"I lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks! Something about this course just clicks. I am sticking to this one!
This is truly something I can see myself implementing for the rest of my life."

"I just feel like a much happier person. Two weeks of no beer or wine, and I lost 2lbs.
I’ve noticed that I’m eating a lot slower, sitting down at a table away from distractions and implementing daily gratitude morning and night."

"I’m ABSOLUTELY different than I was before LRD Academy; both physically and emotionally. I’ve made PROGRESS instead of continuing to make excuses.
I ALWAYS have the power and control over a situation, and starting my mornings off with this new routine is LIFE-CHANGING!”

"I’ve been following this program for the last couple of weeks and have dropped six pounds.
I’m seeing transformations in my mind and body that the scale can’t measure! My focus has changed. What I love about this program is how it incorporates food, movement and the mind/heart. I’m a nurse working 12 hr shifts that aren’t always consistent. This program reminds me to show up for myself, and I’ve found myself making way fewer excuses."
What if I have more questions?
Then you’re in good company. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about LRD Academy.
How long will LRD Academy take to complete?
What? There’s “homework?”
How much time should I designate to LRD Academy each week? I’m just so busy...
Will I have to give up alcohol and eating out?
Do I have to become completely plant-based?
Will I get results?
What students
are saying!
Any last words, Kate?
Yes, actually. Always.
- Are you ready to commit?
- Are you ready to devote time to lessons that will last a lifetime?
- Are you ready to be pushed out of your comfort zone? (And feel SUPER vulnerable at times)
- Are you ready to recognize when doubts and old beliefs sneak back into your mind? (And kick those MFers out of there)
If you answered yes—then THIS is where the magic happens.
It’s how you become the woman who shows up for herself instead of just talking about everything you’re “going to do.” One who follows through with her goals and takes pride in taking care of herself. It's how you create mental toughness and self-discipline...because you and I both know that's ultimately what you need.
You’re ready for a change. And I’m ready to help.